
Hi friend 👋
My name is Said, I’m from the country of Morocco. My goal in starting this blog is simple.
Provide valuable, digestible and most of all, practical knowledge in three different areas –
Personal finance, personal development and productivity.

Over the years, trying to gain insights into what makes us content and fulfilled, I often found myself reverting back to three main themes:

Number one is health. I would say health is a broad, multi-dimensional topic and thus, a bit complicated for me to be involved in. I’m not a health professional by any stretch of the imagination but, I do know that to be a healthy person, physical health is only part of the equation. Health is physical, mental and spiritual. To be healthy, is to maintain a good balance in all three aspects of it.

Number two is wealth. Most people tend to have a knee jerk reaction kind of a definition to this word. For most, wealth directly correlates with money. Although it is a big part of it, money in its very basic nature, will always remain a tool – and like every tool – the way it’s used dictates the end product. We all know people that have a lot of money that, conventionally, should make them pretty comfortable yet they always seem to be lacking something. Money, therefore, is not wealth. It is a pre-requisite for wealth. The ability to do what you want, when you want it, with who you want is the most inclusive modern-day definition of wealth that I could find. To get there, requires practice, strategy, learning and most of all – Action.

Number three is love. Be it family love, friends or romantic love, we usually want to feel connected to and appreciated by other people. We long to belong.

To be honest and upfront, I’m not an expert when it comes to health and love. I’m still figuring out aspects of those everyday. Having said that, I do have and I will be sharing ideas, practices, and strategies that have worked for me in the ongoing process of generating wealth. For that reason, I will be focusing on the following:

  • Personal finance: Conventional and creative ways to generate, save and manage money
  • Productivity: How to focus and do more in less time.
  • Personal development: How to grow and develop as a person.

I’ll also be sharing mistakes I wish I didn’t make, things I learn about along the way that I find to be of value (tools, books, online resources, tricks to save you time and money etc.) and the occasional take on matters as they come up. If that sounds appealing to you, I really hope you consider sticking around.

Thank you so much for reading this far, I really appreciate you 😊